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Education and Outreach 3 Course Bundle

This NEW Education and Outreach bundle includes 3 online courses and a 1-hour online discussion with the instructor, Natalie Lessa, to answer all questions, connect with fellow Education and Outreach experts, and more. 


Just a glimpse, you'll:

  • Learn Community-based social marketing and how to use it to create effective solid waste programs

  • Use templates to easily create an Education and Outreach program outline for both the Commercial and Residential sectors.

  • Develop insight into what makes or breaks an Education and Outreach program

  • Review lots of Case studies and identify what works and what doesn't

  • Discover the best ways to measure program impacts

  • Be able to leverage social media to reinforce behavior change - tips, tricks and pitfalls

  • Secret tips on how to access FREE materials that will save you time, money, and give you world-class design for $0

  • Download sample budgets to use to estimate your program expenses

Education and Outreach 3 Course Bundle

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